Radar Testing
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With over 60 years of experience in the field of test and measurement, Boonton Electronics and Noisecom have become respected names within both the civil and military radar industries, providing market leading products capable of meeting the demands of even the most sophisticated technology. Boonton’s peak power meters are designed to accurately measure the fastest rise times and lowest duty cycle pulses, while Noisecom’s microprocessor controlled noise sources are able to simulate interference in order to interrogate a radar system in a precisely controlled manner.
Boonton 55 Series USB Peak Power Sensor
The new Boonton 55 Series USB Peak Power Sensors are ideal for radar applications. With a video bandwidth of 125MHz for the 6GHz version, and a 3ns rise time, the sensor is capable of sampling at up to 100Msamples/sec. The ability to capture 100Ksweeps/sec, coupled with our unique Real Time Power Processing ™ technology, means that even rarely occurring events will never be missed. An external trigger signal can be input via an onboard Multi I/O connector, eliminating the need for any additional accessories, and the same connector can be used to interconnect any additional sensors for synchronized multi-channel measurements. |
Boonton 4500B Peak Power Analyzer
The Boonton 4500B Peak Power Analyzer has long been established as the instrument of choice among radar engineers. It features a 70MHz video bandwidth, 5ns rise time and 100ps time base resolution, with a real time sample rate of 50Msamples/sec. Its sophisticated triggering capability allows the user to isolate a single pulse within a burst, especially useful when analyzing data pulses for aircraft interrogation (IFF). Its ability to display the trigger signal on the screen is also an invaluable feature. |
Noisecom UFX7000A
The Noisecom UFX7000A Series of Programmable Noise Generators offer versatile radar interference simulators. Each instrument can be customized to satisfy a particular application, and can incorporate multiple noise sources, switchable filter pathways and TTL controlled burst noise. Attenuators, switches and filter banks can easily be controlled either remotely or from the front panel touch screen. Having superior flatness and an attenuation resolution of 0.1dB, a precisely controlled amount of noise can be introduced to a radar signal in order to test its immunity to interference. |
Testing a Radar System Using a Simplified RF Method with Boonton and Noisecom