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RTP4000 Real-Time True Average Power Sensors

Quick Features

  • 4 kHz to 6 GHz and 10 MHz to 6, 18, and 40 GHz sensors
  • -60 dBm to +20 dBm dynamic range
  • Pulse, Average, CW and Modulation modes
    • True average measurements with essentially no modulation bandwidth limitations
  • Real-Time Power Processing™ technology for virtually no gaps in signal acquisition and zero measurement latency
  • 100,000 measurements per second
  • Synchronized multi-channel measurements
  • Boonton Power Analyzer: Suite of advanced measurement and analysis software

Real-Time Power Processing

Real-Time Power Processing (RTPP) technology is a unique parallel processing methodology that performs the multi-step process of RF power measurement at incredible, unmatched speeds. While conventional power meters and USB sensors perform steps serially, resulting in have long re-arm times and missed data Boonton sensors with RTPP capture, display and measure every pulse, glitch and detail with virtually no gaps in data and zero latency.


RTP4000 true average power sensors provide 80 dB dynamic range and a frequency range down to 4 kHz and up to 40 GHz. Built with Boonton's Real-Time Power ProcessingTM, these sensors deliver 100,000 measurements per second, virtually no gaps in signal acquisition and zero measurement latency. Combining this performance with pulse profiling, capture and measure of pulsed, CW and modulated signals, multi-channel capabilities and documentation tools, RTP4000 average power sensors are the ideal instrument for fast, accurate and reliable RF power measurements.

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+1 (973) 386-9696


9 Entin Road, Suite 101
Parsippany, NJ 07054
United States
Phone: +1 (973) 386-9696
Fax: +1 (973) 386-9191

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