4542 Peak Power Meter Demonstration
Show the capabilities of 4540 series with wideband peak power sensor as well as average power sensors.
Measuring Challenging EMI/EMC Signals Using 4542 Peak Power Meter
Low Duty Cycle RADAR & Wideband Communication Measurements for EMI/EMC
4542 Peak Power Meter Demonstration
Product: Show the capabilities of 4540 series with wideband peak power sensor as well as average power sensors.
Target Users:
EMI/EMC engineers and technicians working with hard to measure test signals like low duty cycle RADAR signals and wideband communication signals. Testing RF immunity for shipboard, automotive or other operating environments where RADAR signals as well as WiFi, LTE and other wideband communication signals are a source of interference.
Test Set-up:

About 4542 Peak Power Meter:
Key benefits of the Boonton 4542 Peak Power meter are Repetitive Random Sampling (RRS) techniques for viewing the envelope of RF signal frequencies up to 40 GHz with trigger stability and accuracy. 4542 peak meters have a video bandwidth up to 65 MHz, less than 7 ns rise-time and 70 dB dynamic range (sensor dependent). Dual channels allow monitoring input and reflected signals in an EMI/EMC test set-up. Versatile 4542 power meter also works with average power sensors for low frequency (10 kHz)average power measurements.
EMI/EMC - RF Immunity Testing – Measuring Complex Signals:
In the demo set-up we emulate an EMI/EMC test set-up for RF immunity measurements. Our demo aid generates a low duty cycle RF signal similar to what is required in RF immunity testing. The output of the demo aid represents the test signal at the output of an amplifier going into a bidirectional coupler. Output of the coupler goes to an antenna. The coupling ports monitor both the power delivered to the antenna and reflected back from the antenna. The test engineer can compute the net radiated power by subtracting the reflected power from the delivered power.

Fig.1: Input, delivered and reflect power measurements of a pulse signal
Existing and Comparable Products:
- USB 55 series Real Time Power Processing™ peak power meter revolutionized performance of peak power meters with unparalleled sub 3 ns risetime and 195 MHz video bandwidth with up to 100,000 triggered measurements per second making it ideal for EMI/EMC measurements above 50 MHz. Easy to use GUI supports up to 8 channels.
- 4500B high end peak power analyzer is our highest performance bench top model. In additional to supporting all the features of 4500B the unit has (optional) additional scope channels to monitor the trigger signals as well as detector RF signal. The unit has math capabilities as well.
- All Boonton peak power meters in multi sensor configuration enables simultaneous scalar like measurements of reflected power (Return Loss), and amplifier input &output power (Gain).
- All Boonton peak power meters replace systems that require crystal detector, a digital oscilloscope, a spectrum analyzer, an average power meter, and assorted connectors & couplings to monitor a single output.